Visiting us
We have two convenient urgent care locations on the North Shore.
No appointment needed, just walk in.
Shorecare has 7 free of charge dedicated parking bays behind the clinic on The Avenue. Please give your registration number to our Receptionists on your arrival if you have parked in one of these spaces.
Alternatively, Smales Farm has pay by plate parking machines, 8am-5pm Monday to Friday. Please ensure that you register your car on these machines when you arrive to receive your first 30 minutes free.
In the unlikely event you receive a parking notice while parked in a Shorecare parking space, please give this to our receptionists who may be able to arrange for this to be waived for you.
All parking is free and unrestricted after 5pm, before 8am, and all weekend.
Parking is available directly outside the front of the building.
When you arrive
When you arrive, the receptionist will ask you to complete an electronic patient form by scanning the QR code provided. The receptionist will also ask you to indicate if you have significant symptoms such as chest pain, shortness of breath, bleeding etc.
Once you’re checked in, a nurse will do an initial assessment to determine the severity of your illness or injury and give you a triage code.
The Clinician then sees patients in order of triage codes and not necessarily in order of arrival.
Wait times vary greatly depending on the time of day that you visit us. This can be impacted by the number of patients that are waiting and the severity of your problem.
At Shorecare we use the Australasian triage scores:
Triage 1: Life threatening conditions e.g. unresponsive
Triage 2: Emergency – Patients who are very ill e.g. chest pain
Triage 3: Urgent – Patients who are seriously ill but stable e.g. abdominal pain
Triage 4: Semi urgent – Patient not in immediate danger e.g. wrist injury
Triage 5: Non urgent – Minor injuries and illness e.g. viral illness
This means that some patients who arrive after you may be seen first but be assured, we are doing our very best to get you seen in a timely manner.
Please note - If you require ambulance transfer to hospital, fees may apply.
If you will require a medical certificate, you must request this at the time of your consult. If this does not occur, you will need to come back for review (charges will apply) or follow up with your GP.